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This year’s Potatoes in Practice (PiP), which takes place on August 8th in Dundee, will look at how the potato community can unite to futureproof the industry.

A range of seminars will take place, led by prominent industry and science figures such as Mark Taylor from GB Potatoes, Mike Wilson from the Seed Potato Organisation, Faye Richie from ADAS, Mercedes Torres from B-Hive and Graham Tomlin from VCS Potatoes.
The seminars will cover:

  • ‘Supporting our future industry’, the latest from GB Potatoes and the Seed Potato Organisation (sponsors of the event), with feedback from the National Potato Innovation Centre (NPIC) stakeholder workshops earlier in the year.
  • ‘Innovation in potato’ a dive into the innovations being developed across the sector and the outlook for the future.
  • ‘Virus, the problem and how to control it’ with contributions from VCS Potatoes, and, James Hutton Limited.
  • ‘Fight Against Blight (FAB)’, an update on The Hutton-led initiative which aims to protect Britain’s potato crop against late blight, and ‘An update on fungicide resistance guidelines’ courtesy of ADAS.

Professor Ian Toth, Director of the National Potato Innovation Centre (NPIC) at the James Hutton Institute, which is hosting the event, and recently-appointed President of the European Association for Potato Research (EAPR), will open the day’s seminars with a talk on grower concerns and potential solutions.

Ian said: “Futureproofing the potato industry remains a key goal of the Hutton and our partners. Bringing science and industry together helps us to build long-term sustainability and resilience for the years to come, and PiP is an excellent opportunity to knowledge share and discuss the threats and opportunities facing the sector. We thank our partners Agrii and SRUC for their continued support for the event, as well as our sponsors the Scottish Society for Crop Research (SSRC), GB Potatoes, and the Seed Potato Organisation.”

The annual event aims to foster learning and agricultural innovation, offering a comprehensive showcase of the latest developments in the potato industry. This will include some of the newest innovations, machinery and a look at the emerging trends.

Visitors will have a chance to see new potato varieties from commercial breeders, agronomists demonstrating advancements in crop protection and researchers on hand to discuss their most recent findings.

Senior Potato Consultant at SRUC, Kyran Maloney, said: “Potato production in the UK and Ireland has a strong sustainability and productivity story, but the industry faces unparalleled uncertainty. Rising costs of production, shortage of labour, and growing technical challenges mean that the need for practical innovation has never been greater. SRUC is proud to support Potatoes in Practice, as it represents an almost unique forum for engagement between industry and technical experts, ensuring information is shared that is grounded in the needs of producers. This year we have a simulated herbicide drift crop injury demonstration. Careful trial work such as this can help farmers to quantify (and mitigate) risks. We will be on hand to discuss how we investigate such cases and raise awareness about how they can be avoided.”

Agronomist at Agrii, David Barclay, said: “In an ever-changing and more uncertain world, Agrii is focusing on innovation and sustainable production. This year, the eight plots at PiP look at novel biologicals for improved plant health, skin finish, storability and nitrogen fixation. This includes two interesting products plus the bio-stimulant NIENTRIS, which is a combination of a free-living nitrogen-fixing bacteria and a prebiotic that potentially allows for lower nitrogen inputs.”

Check out our Industry Diary for details of all forthcoming events

British Potato Review
Potato Review reports on new developments in all areas of crop production, storage, handling and packing, as well as scientific, technological and machinery innovations in the UK and overseas. We also keep readers abreast of consumer trends and legislation changes impacting on the industry.
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