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Scott Walker, CEO of GB Potatoes, believes the potato industry has strong messages to send to the future UK government.

THE incredible potato industry never ceases to impress. Despite the challenging winter and spring we’ve experienced, it is remarkable to see how much has been planted. 

The substantial investment in machinery and skilled people to navigate the tricky conditions and capitalise on every weather window has been enormous, yet worthwhile. The resilience and adaptability demonstrated by the industry is truly commendable.

Nature has a way of catching up, and this year, the crops are emerging quickly. However, predicting the growing conditions from now until harvest remains uncertain. There are numerous variables at play, including weather patterns and pest pressures.

Nevertheless, let’s be optimistic, and hope that we have favourable conditions over the next few months to ensure a successful harvest. The dedication and hard work of everyone involved in the potato industry are evident, and with a bit of luck, their efforts will yield a great quality crop this season.

As the UK gears up for another election, the agricultural sector, including the potato industry, watches closely. Elections bring the promise of change and the potential for new policies that could significantly impact the potato industry, a vital part of the UK’s agricultural landscape. The upcoming UK election holds significant implications for us, influencing everything from agricultural policies and environmental regulations to trade agreements and labour availability. While the exact impact will depend on the election’s outcome and subsequent policy decisions, the potato industry must remain adaptable to navigate the changes ahead.

With more talk than ever in recent months about food security and the economic opportunities of food production in the UK, it will be up to us to demonstrate to whoever makes up the next Government that potato production is critical to the UK and offers opportunities for growth. If the Government implements policies that aid rather than hinder our production efforts, the potato industry can thrive and contribute significantly to the nation’s food security and economy. 

This election represents an opportunity for advocating for the support and recognition our industry needs to flourish in the future.

Seed Consultation Group

Acknowledging the essential role seed potatoes play as the foundation of new crop production and the importance of their quality for a healthy harvest, we have established our Seed Consultation Group to address the unique challenges and priorities of the seed potato sector.  This group will develop and propose initiatives for GB Potatoes‘ seed agenda. In line with the collaborative ethos of GB Potatoes, the group will work with partners to address these challenges collectively. It is evident that tackling these issues requires a united effort, and by bringing together all key stakeholders in the industry, we maximise our chances of success.

We are nearing the start of beginning the projects that will utilise the AHDB residual levy funds to the benefit of the industry. We have initiated the planning process for these projects, pending final approval and the signing of the grant application with AHDB.  It is essential to ensure that these projects do not abruptly stop once the levy funding runs out.

For instance, a national aphid monitoring program that provides industry-wide data for decision-making will be just as crucial in five years as it is today. Therefore, from the first year of the projects, we need to develop a self-sustaining voluntary funding model for the future. We will gradually reduce the percentage of residual levy funding throughout the project’s duration while progressively increasing industry contributions. This approach will ultimately enable the initiatives to become self-sustaining. We plan to replace the residual levy funds with GB Potatoes funds. Hence, it is important to continue growing our membership. If you haven’t joined us already, I believe now is the time – anyone wanting to join can simply type “GB Potatoes” into its web browser and click “Join Us”.

British Potato Review
Potato Review reports on new developments in all areas of crop production, storage, handling and packing, as well as scientific, technological and machinery innovations in the UK and overseas. We also keep readers abreast of consumer trends and legislation changes impacting on the industry.
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