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Entry Form

We’re looking for nominations for any grower, or Manager of a growing business, who has made a standout contribution to the potato industry, has overcome specific challenges that are worthy of applauding, or whose actions are deemed to be a good example to others in the industry.


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Enter The British Potato Industry Awards

"*" indicates required fields

Name of business, product or campaign you think deserves an award.
Which award category are you entering into
If entering the British Potato Industry Award or Best Young Achiever please select.
Using the 4 bullet points outlined in your chosen category, please respond to each bullet point individually to explain why you feel your entry stands out and is award-worthy.
Please upload any supporting photos, logos or other media that may help to illustrate your award nomination.
Max. file size: 128 MB.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.
British Potato Review
Potato Review reports on new developments in all areas of crop production, storage, handling and packing, as well as scientific, technological and machinery innovations in the UK and overseas. We also keep readers abreast of consumer trends and legislation changes impacting on the industry.
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